Supportive platform for people with cancer and caregivers

This website contains a useful information to improve well-being, offer practical advice, and support patients and their family caregivers as they go through cancer together.

Patient and family caregiver as a team

Having cancer not only affects the well-being of the person with cancer, but also of their loved ones. That's why it's important to think of patients and family caregivers as a pair who go through the illness together and both need support.

Helpful materials to cope with cancer

As part of the DIAdIC project, we have developed and combined easy-to-read materials to support patients and family caregivers during the illness.  

What’s next?

The DIAdIC project has explored what type of support works best for patients and family caregivers. Find out more about what this means for the future of cancer care! 

Supportive programs FOCUS+ and iFOCUS

The DIAdIC project has developed and tested two supportive programs (FOCUS+ and iFOCUS) for people with cancer and their family caregiver. Both programs help patients and their family caregivers learn how to deal with the effects of advanced cancer together.

“Being a FOCUS+ nurse inspired me how I want to live my life. It reminds me of how many kisses I want to give my husband. â€ť

— FOCUS+ nurse