Helpful materials

Receiving a diagnosis of cancer will have had a major impact on both of you physically, psychologically and emotionally. You may have a lot of questions that you would like answered: ‘What sort of a future can I expect?’, ‘What’s going to change around me?’ ‘What will happen to my children?’ Family, relatives, neighbours and friends may also have questions and uncertainties.

The aim of this platform is to share information that can help you answer these questions. This platform is designed to inform and support people with cancer, their families, relatives and friends. You do not have to go through the whole platform. Not all the topics will be relevant to your situation, or perhaps you feel that you already know enough about certain topics. Some of the information on this platform may not be relevant to you now but may be useful in the future.

Note: The information on this platform is based on a complete guide that was developed for and used in the FOCUS+ program as part of the DIAdIC study. You can download the complete guide via the button below.