Supportive programs

DIAdIC is an international research project in six European countries that developed and tested two types of support programs for people with cancer and their family caregiver. Both programs focus on helping patients and family caregivers to cope with cancer together.

The first program is called FOCUS+ where a trained nurse has three home visits with the patient and family caregiver together. The second program is called iFOCUS where the patient and family caregiver can access four online web-based sessions together via the computer.  

Both programs address the same five core themes:  

1. Supporting Family involvement 

2. Supporting Outlook and meaning 

3. Increasing Coping effectiveness 

4. Reducing Uncertainty 

5. Symptom management 


The FOCUS+ program is a program that takes place in the home of patient and/or family caregiver and consists of three sessions: two home visits and one teleconference session. The three sessions are delivered by a trained nurse over a period of 12 weeks.  

All sessions are tailored by the nurse to the needs of patients and family caregivers. By taking into account comments or questions during the sessions, the nurse can give specific information patient and caregiver may need, spend more time on certain themes that can be of particular use or some themes can be discussed minimally if the patient or caregiver does not require assistance in a particular area.  At the start of the program, the participants receives the FOCUS+ guide, a printed book that covers all the topics that can be addressed during the sessions, including tips and tricks and exercises. It is meant to serve as a reference that the dyad can consult before, during and after each session.  

Please note that new participants will no longer be able to join the FOCUS+ program. The FOCUS+ program was an integral component of the DIAdIC study, which is no longer accepting participants. We do have a shortened demo version available of iFOCUS for you to try out (see below)!


IFOCUS is an online webprogram that the person with cancer and the family caregiver can access via a computer or laptop. The program consists of four sessions, which are completed over a period of 12 weeks, where the patient and family caregiver sit side-by-side at a computer. The program creates the opportunity for both the patient and caregiver to obtain information and interact with each other on the same topics as the FOCUS+ program, yet presented via a computer. iFOCUS also offers several brochures and leaflets and references to other helpful resources. The program can be completed without the presence of a nurse.   

To access the program, please use the following credentials:

For patients:

  • Email:

  • Password: demo

For caregivers:

  • Email:

  • Password: demo

Just like FOCUS+, iFOCUS also tailors its information and program content to the participants.

You can now experience the iFocus program firsthand! You can test a demo version of the first session by simply clicking on the button below.